retirement home
My husband would like nothing better than to chuck most of our worldly goods and move onto the water. Now, a fair portion of said worldly goods are made up of my stuff – books, project materials, bags, etc. – that I could not imagine leaving behind for cramped quarters on some leaky vessel. That is until he sent me a link to Van Gorkom Yacht Design’s Villa Houseboat.

I think I could be persuaded to toss everything and take up needlepoint for that.

I think I could be persuaded to toss everything and take up needlepoint for that.
Wow! Beautiful. Your husband sounds like a wise man, perhaps you should heed his sage advice (for once). Here's a little something for the garage:
Steel hull and Teak Pilothouse. Maybe your husband is on to something. -BHOTW
very funny mr. *anonymous*
houseguests, guaranteed. (you can pencil me in now.)
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