Sunday, July 23, 2006

on my nightstand

I love books, but unfortunately rarely have time to sit down and read one from start to finish. Usually I have about ten going at a time in various stages of completion. Here’s what’s in my stack this week:

“Paddy’s Lament” – research for an Irish heritage project; it’s a sobering read.

”First Impressions: What You Don’t Know About How Others See You” - who doesn’t need help with this?

”Visioning: Ten Steps to Designing the Life of Your Dreams” - always looking for creativity sparks

”Collage Discovery Workshop: Beyond the Unexpected”
- the author was featured in our local paper and I fell in love with her Poppet® designs. I SO want to go to her workshop in Cortona, Italy next spring.

”The Artist’s Sketchbook” - looking for ways to let go and speed up my perfectionist rendering technique

”Drawing From Life: The Journal as Art” - more creativity and visual journaling techniques…a bit of an obsession lately

”The House in Good Taste” - the Elsie de Wolfe classic which I can’t believe I’m only just now reading

”The Elements of Style” - because my dad said everyone should have a copy and my good friend suttonhoo sold me on the illustrations by Maira Kalman

”Interior Graphic Standards” - hardcore interior design specs

The Architect’s Studio Companion: Rules of Thumb for Preliminary Design” - because I’m a glutton for punishment

And last but not least:
”Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity” - for obvious reasons ;)


Blogger suzanne cabrera said...

Ok, I want to read every book on your list...

8:32 PM  

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